Establish a Robust Link Between Your Systems With SAP Connectivity:

Isolated data, ineffective collaboration, and sluggish decision-making are frequent challenges arising from functioning in separate systems within an organization. SAP connectivity can alleviate these obstacles, provided it is executed by a seasoned integrator.

Utilize our 20 years of knowledge and profound insight into SAP solutions to establish a coherent IT ecosystem and a singular source of truth for all your data organization-wide. Allow us to assist you in facilitating effective collaboration among departments throughout the company, ensuring data accuracy and relevance, and accelerating decision-making.

What We Can Connect

To create a unified IT architecture across the organization, we will help you establish integration between the following SAP and non-SAP systems:

Customer Relationship Management

Disseminate vital customer information, sales orders, and service details to enhance customer interaction and satisfaction.

Supply Chain Management

Maximize inventory oversight, improve demand predictions, and streamline logistics to minimize costs and boost performance.

Human Resource Management

Maintain the uniformity and precision of HR information to enhance your business processes and enable accurate HR oversight.

Financial Systems

Attain more precise financial reporting, streamlined budgeting, and enhanced expense governance to secure your business's overall financial health.

E-Commerce Platforms

Facilitate real-time data interchange, proficient order management, and refined inventory oversight to enhance overall business responsiveness.

Manufacturing Execution Systems

Refine production scheduling, quality assurance, and material requirement planning to maximize processes and escalate operational efficiency.

BI Platforms

Empower better decision-making and strategic planning with insight-driven analytics to uncover growth prospects and stay ahead of market dynamics.

IoT Platforms

Leverage real-time information from IoT devices to boost predictive maintenance capabilities, optimize asset usage, and elevate operational efficiency.

Mobile Applications

Provide enhanced access to SAP data and services at any time and any location to empower employees with the necessary information for informed decision-making.


For over 20 years, we’ve refined numerous SAP Integration strategies. Depending on your requirements, our specialists will collaborate closely with your stakeholders to select the ideal strategy and ensure your integrations are both seamless and cost-efficient.

SAP PI/PO enables integration among diverse organizational systems and applications. It allows the orchestration of intricate business processes and provides a centralized platform for message interchange, data mapping, and routing.

This offering provides tools and services to connect SAP applications with external systems and services. It includes pre-built integration content, adapters, and connectors to facilitate communication between cloud-based and on-premise applications.

APIs promote interoperability among varying software systems and enable them to communicate effectively. They support integration with external applications, mobile solutions, and IoT devices.

Enterprise Service Bus acts as middleware for merging various systems and applications throughout an organization. It manages message routing, transformation, and mediation between SAP and other systems.

Our specialists design and create connectors and interfaces tailored to your business's specific integration requirements that standard adapters or APIs cannot fulfill.

Data Integration Magic

Introducing Artihcus DataLark, our proprietary solution that simplifies data migration and integration to an effortless process. Based on your requirements, DataLark can:

  • Manage data migration, integration, transformation, and validation.
  • Import data from files, DBMS, applications, cloud services, message queues, and beyond.
  • Seamlessly integrate with WMS, MES, eCommerce, HR, and numerous other systems.
  • Automate event- or schedule-driven processes.